Are YOU ready for Thanksgiving?
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, one of my favorite holidays. How could you not love a holiday that is entirely about food and being grateful? There’s turkey and ham and mashed potatoes and pies. Then there’s the afternoon nap and football. It’s going to be a great day.
But in my house, this year feels a little different. You see, we are hosting Thanksgiving. Which I’m excited about but ,like I talked about in the sermon this past weekend, there’s a lot of work that goes into hosting. We have to get the house clean and ready to have people stay. There’s the meal planning and the grocery shopping. And there’s the cooking and the entertaining.
It can be a lot to get everything ready to host Thanksgiving. In fact, It can be so much that we forget to get ourselves ready for Thanksgiving. No…I’m not talking about picking out an outfit for the day. But we can get so busy getting all the stuff ready that we forget to get our hearts and spirits ready for the day. And getting ourselves ready may be more important than cooking that Thanksgiving turkey.
So I wonder if now is a good time to get yourself ready for Thanksgiving. Maybe take some time to check in with yourself. What do you want the day to look like? How do you want to show up tomorrow?
Maybe you have a long list of things you need to get done. You’re already feeling the pressure. Is there any way you can accomplish those things with a different spirit? Can you do the same things but with a sense of peace and gratitude?
Maybe there’s a family member who you have some tension with. What do you want your interactions with them to be like? Is there a chance you can connect with them in a new way?
Maybe your Thanksgiving is going to be chaotic. You have a lot of things to get done. Is there a way you choose relationships over tasks?
Or maybe tomorrow is going to be quiet for you. Maybe you can reach out to someone you haven't talked to in a while and express how grateful you are for them?
But however you are preparing for tomorrow, don’t just prepare the food or the house. Take some time to prepare the most important thing, your spirit. Then you will be able to truly be grateful for all the ways God is present through the people you are surrounded with.
Finally, know that I am grateful for each of you. For your commitment to Good Shepherd, your encouragement, your prayers and your faith. It’s truly an honor to be your pastor.
P.S. As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, we’re also busy getting ready for Advent and Christmas Eve here at Good Shepherd. Below, you’ll find our Christmas Eve service times, including a Travelers’ Service at North Oak. While you’re spending time with family this holiday, be sure to make your plans to celebrate Christmas Eve here at Good Shepherd.
This year, we’re also excited to introduce Kids Only Christmas—a one night, VBS-style Christmas celebration designed just for kids. If you’re a parent, it’s the perfect chance to enjoy some extra time to prepare for Christmas—or simply treat yourself to a peaceful evening out. It’s also a great event to invite others to, like grandkids, neighbors, and teammates.

Traveler's Service
Thursday, December 19th
North Oak │ 7pm
Christmas Eve Service
Tuesday, December 24th
Gladstone │ 4pm, 11pm
North Oak │ 2PM, 3:30PM, 5PM, 6:30PM
Posted in Matt Note
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